Happy LGBTQ pride month!
Growing up a conservative Christian and becoming more liberal and less dogmatic in my philosophy I really did not know what to think of LGBTQ at first. Back in the day, my circles as a child believed being gay is wrong or a sin, it was difficult to break free from my programing as I entered my twenties.
As someone who began to consider myself bisexual a while ago, I never felt anything wrong with being attracted to men and women. Women are totally badass in my opinion I do not understand not being attracted to them, but that is just how I feel about it. Actually, the more feminist I’ve become the more I appreciate and admire women.
At some point, I found out about pansexuality and that totally resonated with me. I love people, all types of people and I am attracted to people regardless of their sex and/or their gender. I do not believe Christ’s consciousness would judge others based on how they identify so why would I?
It is interesting because after leaving the traditional Christian perspective, the judgment of others and dogma are vibrations that I do not want to associate with. As I identify more and more with my spirit I have less and less “rules” for myself or others around sex or gender. I believe we are all spirits in physical form.
As humanity evolves our language is evolving. I’ve been considering referring to myself as them. I am supportive of my own expression of nonbinary gender identity. I believe the term I could use here is genderqueer. I’m not announcing on social media I prefer “them" AND I may prefer it in the future. I need to think about this more, I’m sharing my thoughts here.
Ultimately, I believe we all have feminine and masculine energy, and finding our balance each day with these energies is important AND I believe it's fluid. Some days I feel more masculine and some days I feel more feminine. Let me know your thoughts and evolution on this!
Happy LGBTQ Pride Month!