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Mindful Sexuality, Alchemy & Sex Magick
Sexual energy is creative, spiritual, life-force energy. Its natural purpose is to create. During sex, you can plant "seeds" with your thoughts into the fertile "womb" of the cosmic matrix. This is considered sex magick by most experts.
Sexual Alchemy is a way to mobilize the amazing creative power of sexual energy to generate a desired result.
In sex magick generally the individual has any intention. Your goal might be to promote healing or attract money or achieve spiritual enlightenment. When you add sexual energy, you increase the intensity of an intention.
We are all spiritual beings. When you have sex with someone you merge your spiritual and creative energy together. You can do meditations to call back your energy from a time when you were less conscious about mixing your spiritual energy.
Mindful sex is basically being aware of who you share yourself with and how you experience the other person’s sexuality with awareness of spiritual merging.
From mindful sexuality we can move more deeply into alchemy, magick and even, sacred relationships!
I love connecting about sacred sexuality!
What is the spiritual point and perspective to the act of sex? There is the obvious reason for procreation. One answer could be to bring another soul into this reality, sure. If you have ever done this it is pretty damn spiritual.
And what else could be a spiritual reason behind love making?
In tantra and sacred sex the act is about worshiping and honoring the other person as an aspect of the divine. The aim could be defined as experiencing oneness. Okay, so experiencing the divine source of love through your partner. This is cool. I’ve done this… probably some of the most magical moments in my life.
What happens when we do that? What happens to us right after a mindful love session?
For me it is seeing life more vividly. My senses are heightened. My love for humanity and all of creation increases. And after having a sacred sexual practice for years now I’ve come to the conclusion it is not about making love. Making love versus having sex is an AMAZING place to be AND. . . . .
. . . I believe it is about BECOMING LOVE. We make love intentionally, spiritually. Not to fall in love. We make love to become love itself.
This is my practice as the daughter of the Cosmic Mother- to become love.