Personal Shifts 2020

I had two huge shifts in 2020 with my word of the year; surrender. 


One was it is not my money, it is God’s. Which I knew theoretically and mentally but I was not embodying experientially, until I did. I really thought I understood it was a spiritual thing. I used to say, “money loves me and flows effortlessly towards me.” It was a good start. When my inner shift really  happened there was peace about investing in my business and buying the technology I needed to support myself with my business. The shift was from scarcity mindset to an abundant mindset. I went from thinking like the working class to thinking more like a millionaire.

I created a funnel, which means a way for people to find me, and I spoke to women all over the country with anxiety and depression. These conversations were very insightful, especially during a pandemic. I realized through this experience that sales is actually all about service and I served. I learned a lot about myself and the mental state of women I wanted to help. Thank you God (and Tosha Silver) for such a beautiful opportunity! 

The second shift happened by chanting my womb chakra healing chants. I’ve been chanting for 87 days straight and that has led me back to my witchy-ness. I’ve thought of myself as a holistic spiritual witch for a while, especially when I got into using different spices and herbs to heal. When I embraced the witch goddess part of myself it allowed me to use the master healer energy tools and practices I know. I also got a crystal ball and an American Girl doll for my inner child. I was led to acquire quarts crystal bowls for my own healing. I am blessed to have these tools and intuitive guidance! 

Chanting and embracing myself as I know I am spiritually rekindled my passion for healing myself. Honestly, I had been so concerned about helping others heal and figuring out the business stuff, I neglected some of the most powerful practice I love. I actually DO enjoy the business aspect AND for a spiritual metaphysical witch who lives in other dimensions, … it can be very challenging. 

The second shift was embracing my spiritual witchy Goddess’ness. It can be challenging to be this version of me in mainstream society.

I led a spiritual practice of contemplating and meditating on death during the winter solstice. You can read more about this here. 

Since the death meditations, winter solstice and this new year I have had a third shift.

Last year when I was learning about the business stuff and navigating through the 3D I was told people only buy transformational programs to solve a problem. I was told it had to be about health, wealth or relationships. I was told I had to pick one problem my program solved. 

This was challenging for me because Ayurveda heals DIS-EASE. Literally, almost any health issue can shift drastically when we begin to heal through holistic practices, Ayurveda and yoga. I’ve seen it! Autoimmune issues decreasing, diabetes being cured, mental illness improving, anxiety gone! How was I supposed to pick one problem to solve?

I saw how choosing one problem to solve was difficult for a lot of intutitves coaches and holistic healers in the business circles. I think this is because we work with mind, body and spirit and when you surrender to spirit you can release blockages physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. 

So back to my shift, what I realized last year is that emerging leaders, coaches, healers and creatives are drawn to me. In the last few weeks I reaffirmed I guide others to connect to their spirit, period. This is my zone of genius. We are all on our life’s journey during this time when humanity is healing and evolving. I wish I could say the holocaust was a long time ago and it really wasn’t. My Grandma was around for that! 

What is clear to me now is there are leaders, healers, empaths, intuitives and coaches who would be thrilled to be guided spiritually and discover their work or type of service back to the world. YES! I can help anyone connect to their spirit AND I’m thrilled because what I specialize in is helping coaches and leaders! If you or anyone you know wants to revive their essence and connect to their spirit in order to heal themselves and serve others my current coaching program would be perfect. Once you complete the program you can join the wise women circle of mentors.

If you are someone who wants to be more connected to your spirit I would love to interview you. Click here to schedule a call with me. I am only doing a few a these free interviews so please schedule a time to talk soon!

What were your important evolutionary shifts in 2020? It is important to reflect on them and celebrate your growth!



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