Seasonal Cleanses!
Seasonal Cleansing is POWERFUL! I am not going to tell you what to eat or not eat. I am going to help you connect intuitively with what you need and desire right now.
💥 One of the best ways to live a long healthy life is to take a few weeks in the fall and spring to give your body a break from junk and reset your system.
🌱 The first week is to ease in… slowly reducing caffeine, sugar, or whatever you feel you need to wean off.
🌱 The second week is to go deeper, this is based on your intuition and I will guide you with coaching calls, course videos and group support.
🌱 The final week is to ease out. Slowly you can introduce things back into your diet.
💥 Cleansing has POSITIVELY CHANGED MY LIFE! This is my 6th year of cleansing seasonally and I’ve been leading seasonal cleanses for 5 years.
In January 2022 I hosted a Calming Cleanse (Elimination Diet)
The focus of this cleanse is: Connection, Information & Energy. We will do this by …
Reducing inflammation
Supporting healthy microbiome
Increasing the phytonutrients to heal the gut
Reducing the toxic burden
Increasing body awareness to food
Identifying triggering foods
No calorie restriction
Foods to eat: Dairy alternatives, bigger out of ocean fish, game meats (grass-fed bison, lamb) , gluten-free whole grains (amaranth, buckwheat, millet, quinoa, rice, teff) healthy oils, legumes, ghee (except soy, peanuts), Nuts (except peanuts), poultry, seeds, vegetables, fruits )
All the colors - red, white, green, purple, etc.
Food to avoid: Alcohol, Beef, Chocolate, Coffee, soft drinks, tea, Corn, Dairy products, Eggs, Gluten-containing grains (barley, rye, spelt, wheat), Peanuts, Pork, Processed meats, Shellfish, Soy an soy products, Sugar
Suggest Cookbook: 100 Autoimmune Protocol Comfort Foods
In addition to the calming diet we will be doing Intermittent Fasting, Wim Hof Breathing and Cold Showers.
Next Cleanse Spring 2025
Nourish Yourself
Ayurveda encourages cleanses to be nourishing to the body, mind, and spirit.
What do your sense organs want more of?
What does your mind and spirit want during this cleanse?
What is your anchor statement or affirmation for your cleanse?
Feel the Energy!
These are some of the basics of an Ayurvedic lifestyle and these tips are especially good to focus on while cleansing!
( I share about this in the video below)
Water fasting instead of snacking
13 hours fast every night
Supplement with Triphala
Cold shower
Dry brushing
Eating mindfully and not distracted emotionally
First burp means you're done eating
Rest then walk after eating