The Entire Yin Yang - Oneness of Sex
With the obvious dualism going on it can be hard to stay in a compassionate center of oneness. The dualism I mention is believing this or that is “right”. Being vaccinated or not. Being democratic(more government) or republican(less government). ‘It’s not our fight’ or ‘We owe them’ in regards to Afghanistan. I could go on, but I’m sure you have witnessed splits in your friend and family circles.
As for me, I stay in the middle. I love you and do not judge you regardless of which “side” you are on. I don’t subscribe to thinking linearly or dualistically as far as ‘sides’. I maintain a spiritual perspective. I do have opinions and I share them when I feel called to or I am asked. I hold the space of love for all regardless on my personal choices or values, which is very challenging sometimes.
You could think about it like the yin and the yang symbol. Both sides together make the symbol or the the whole circle. I focus from an outside perspective on the entire circle encompassing both aspects; light and dark.
For me, what is the alternative? To think people should do something. I believe if you feel people should do something it is probably what your intuition is telling you to do and I would encourage you to follow that! We do not have to all believe the same things or have a spiritual perspective on current issues.
To me, (my intuition and higher self) wants me to continue to speak up about the spiritual dilemma, socially and culturally, with sex. This is hard since sex is still a taboo topic. Which used to be crazy to me since we all got here through sex.
Now it makes more sense and I’ll tell you why.
If I think about our society’s maturity level as comparable to an adolescent, then it makes sense why we have to joke about sex or pretend it doesn’t happen. I can see it now, pre-teens laughing about the words vagina or penis and then experimenting with smashing them together.
We are teenagers when it comes to processing and digesting emotions. We are learning how to talk about emotions and integrate new ways of being. And we are totally lucky to even be high school level for emotional maturity. When it comes to talking about sex and our views on it, culturally we still seem a little lost to me.
If we were collectively mature spiritual adults about sex, I believe we would see sex as a spiritual act of oneness. The two ‘sides’ coming together as one. We could worship our partner as the divine other half of the whole.
This is not usually the case.
Maybe meditative oneness sex would, and I believe it will, shift our collective perspective and the way we think about current issues. Being in a blissful state of oneness with the divine source of love is something everyone has the opportunity to experience. I refuse to forget the oneness and the no-thingness I have felt in moments of love making meditations.
My belief is if mindful sex interactions increase it will uplift our spirits and consciousness. I believe it will also help us collectively become more mature with our emotional state of being.
Yes, it is possible to drop into a deep and powerful meditative space while making love. And I believe … here it comes… we SHOULD. This is my should, we should make love. We should enjoy sex. Sex should be life-giving not life depleting. Sex should be sacred.
Question: After using the word should in this article what does this mean to me? Answer: I should make love this way.
AND I believe if more people have sex from a spiritual perspective on oneness we can heal the spiritual gap on the planet. I think it is similar to social justice work, divine feminine rising work, collaboration collectives, environmental efforts, etc.
We are all here now on the planet to do our part.
What is yours?
Let me know. If you do not know and you want support in finding out send me a DM. My community is helping each other figure out their dharma and do it. We are a open-minded, spiritual and loving community if you desire support. It is not too late or early to begin the spiritual work your heart feels called to do.