How I Became Un-Stuck
Self-massage, Instagram & De-cluttering Saved My Life
When I really starting to wake up out of the illusions of society and my mind I realized I did not actually love myself. I noticed for the first time I was co-dependant and on the verge of becoming an alcoholic.
I was shocked! How could I, a yoga teacher, have these attributes. I knew something had to change. I knew the truths of the ancient texts and I wanted to live my life with a greater purpose. I had a deep desire to be a teacher with integrity. To be the yogini who woke up before the dawn, did her asana(yoga) practice, meditated and truly loved herself. And I was not.
I began searching for guidance. I looked on the internet for advice and help. I made a good friend at my yoga class who told me about Instagram and how I could choose to follow only positive, like-minded individuals. I started my account and followed some key people and organizations who inspired me to proceed on my self-love journey. The positive memes flooded my feed. I would feel down on myself or depressed, and when I went on my account I would see wonderfully encouraging advice.
Ayurveda, the study of life, had already been introduced to me. I dove back into the habits of self-care, which yoga and Ayurveda call dinacharya. I knew it would aid my quest of self-love. The MOST helpful thing I did was self-massage which is called Abhyanga.
Whenever I felt anxiety or self-hate creeping into my thoughts I would stop what I was doing and go drench myself toe to head, we start with the feet and go up, in sesame oil. (organic, cold-pressed, non-toasted)
By rubbing my skin, I grew a deeper affection for my body. I learned more about my figure and it’s unique elements. I felt calm and relaxed. I found my negative thoughts went away during the massage and when I finished the practice, I left feeling grounded and sexy.
To this day, I will still stop what I am doing and go oil up if my mind gets overwhelmed or just too much thought clutter. I believe oil massage has helped me truly love myself, but I never would have suspected it could be so powerful!
What followed was a need to leave my current situation, I needed space. I studied de-cluttering and Feng Shui. I cleaned the house, and rearranged all the furniture. Once my space was clear with the energy flowing freely my mind space also cleared.
After reorganizing my environment and oiling my body frequently, along with other amazing practices, I was finally in the right place spiritually to more on. A month after my house cleanse, the universe opened the door and showed me a way. I left an emotionally abusive relationship. I started a new career. I became a better mother. I up-leveled my morning rituals, the list goes on.
If you are not sure if you love yourself enough or you do not feel grounded, I encourage you to begin a self-massage practice. It is also helpful if you would like big shifts in your life to clean the house and de-clutter. I am offering a facebook challenge next week called Simple Self Love and once the challenge is over, the video training will be available for free on my website. If you are reading this before December 11th join the challenge by clicking here!
This is an image of my special self-massage oil warmer. You can use a pot in the kitchen to warm your oil. You do not NEED on of these.