In this episode Neve shares the beginning of her story with spirituality. She talks about the beginning of her feeling not enough. Neve was raised as a Christian and shares stories from her upbringing. I hope you enjoy this kick-off episode!
Episode two starts off with the influence of media on Neve and her initial desire to serve humanity. She shares how movies, music, and friends influenced her experiences in high school. She also talks about her initial desire to experience love from someone or something besides herself.
Episode three begins with Neve falling in love with dancing. She shares about her college years and sexual adventures.
She describes how having power and no responsibility hurt herself and others. She also mentions at the end of the episode that creative energy is sexual energy which is spiritual energy.
Episode four wraps up Neve’s college years. She discovers more about life and new perspectives beyond her upbringing. The seeds were planted for her to later discover how the mind, body, and spirit interact with each other. Neve also shares different experiences with energy.
In episode five Neve shares about the power of female relationships and her first two female mentors.
She shares how she struggled with what the truth was as she was experiencing the energy and her spirit in new ways during yoga teacher training and in her adventures.
In episode six Neve shares about her discovery of Ayurveda, Bhakti, and Tantric sex. She shares how self-care becomes a journey into self-love.
She also explains how different teachings and experiences are leading her to see the underlining thread of God as Love.
In episode seven Neve is deep into discovering what her spiritual lifestyle looks like. She shares the 7 spiritual laws of yoga from Deepak Chopra, which are also referred to as universal truths.
Neve tells the story of how she meets and discovers her twin flame. She also talks about her natural childbirth and never going to the doctor.
In episode eight you will hear how Neve discovers she was following her ego’s programming and begins a new life with heart-centered awareness.
She shares about 3d, 4d, 5d, and 9d. She talks about how she started her coaching career. She also explains her spiritual awareness in relationships and her consciousness expanding.