Spring Cleanse



What does sattvic actually mean? It's the quality of nature that brings balance, clarity and peace of mind.

What's the benefit of a seasonal cleanse? You are ready to take your health in your hands, eating and being healthier, but what about toxins that have accumulated in the body and mind? Modern detoxes can be harsh and depleting on the system. Ayurveda, the sister science of Yoga, is an ancient health and healing system that offers a gentle, holistic approach to detoxing by resetting digestion and allowing the body to self-detoxify. This cleanse comes from the traditional Ayurvedic cleanse known as Panchakarma. It is simple to execute but the effects are powerful and long lasting. This is great for the novice to seasoned cleanser.

Can I do this cleanse myself? You could, but we invite you to join Ayurvedic Consultant Denise Espiritu Alejandro and Health Coach & Yoga Teacher Yogini Neve as they share their personal knowledge and experience with Ayurveda at Hampton Roads’ only Ayurvedic Center and Spa at Sattvic Space. Come unlock the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda and receive support, encouragement and motivation in a peaceful healing “sattvic space”. Take advantage of the services at Sattvic Space and upgrade to a mini-panchakarma and learn more about panchakarma and how this will elevate your healing to another level. Panchkarma has been restoring balance for individuals over the last 5,000 years and it can be overwhelming or challenging to cleanse at home alone for your first time.



You struggle with digestive difficulties of any kind.

You do not eliminate first thing in the morning.

You crave spicy, salt or sweet food.

You suffer from anxiety or stress.

You feel lethargic, foggy minded or have trouble focusing.

You have trouble sleeping or awakening.

You have low energy or feel exhausted.

You feel toxic or overweight.

You feel a little off or don't feel as well as you think you should or would like to feel.

You would like to strengthen your immune system.

You see or feel signs of premature aging.

You would like to get a jumpstart on healthier eating habits.

You feel drawn to Ayurveda but are unsure where to start.

You feel an inner desire to cleanse.

You would like to honor the change of season.


What does this program include? – There will be preliminary consulting to help you determine the best cleanse for you.  We will have 3 meetings before and during the cleanse and a special participant-only private Facebook group to teach, guide, inspire, support and answer questions.

Over the 3 weeks, we will:

  • Go on a spiritual and physical transformative journey as a community;

  • discuss ayurvedic diet and lifestyle teachings;

  • discover our Vikruti (current state of imbalance);

  • learn ways to eliminate toxins while increasing immunity/vitality and supporting Agni (digestive fire);

  • cover certain yoga postures, pranayama (breathing techniques) and daily routines that help support our body and mind with detoxification, digestion, elimination and rejuvenation;

  • create a plan for a personal cleanse that works for you including pre and post cleanse practices;

  • learn about Panchakarma therapies at Sattvic Space designed to move toxins out of the body;

  • learn some basics of Ayurvedic cooking by preparing some of the included recipes for your cleanse;

  • enjoy a lunch sample of kitchari, an Ayurvedic meal that helps kindle your digestive fire;

  • and worksheets and helpful tips for cleansing.



There are 3 cleanses to choose from to fit your personal needs, intuitive knowing and health goals:

Level 1 – Spring Cleaning – We will be preparing the body by eliminating foods that burden the digestive system and introducing easy to digest foods.  You will begin to incorporate Ayurvedic tips and daily routines. Dosha specific herbs may be recommended to support digestion.   This simple cleanse will nourish your system and start you on the path of Ayurveda foods & lifestyle. Everyone will begin here.

Level 2 – Cleansing the body - for those who made it through level 1 and are ready to take it to the next level.  This would be best for you if you know you can’t take time out of your normal life to dive super deep right now.

Level 3 - The Ayurveda Traditional Cleanse: for those who can dedicate 3, 7 or 10 days and are ready to allow the body to self-heal, you will begin Purvakarma.  You will incorporate one of the unique and most beneficial aspects of the Ayurvedic cleanse known as oleation—the internal and external oiling of the body.  On the last day, you will implement Virechana therapy to cleanse the body of impurities loosened by the oleation and accumulation in the GI tract.

           NOTE: Consider adding a mini-Panchakarma, see description below.

Rejuvenating the body - Everyone will embark on the rejuvenation stage where we will build the body back up with gentle foods and herbs to increase your digestive fire. This is the most crucial part of the process.

Once you complete cleanse, Neve and Denise are enthusiastic about supporting you on your continued healing journey and maintenance. Denise will be offering discounts on Ayurvedic therapies and follow-up private consultations for those interested in diving deeper into addressing the root cause of symptoms and disease, detoxifying the body, strengthening the immune system, and restoring balance and well-being.

Neve will be offering a discount on a yoga class as well as ayurveda health coaching! During coaching you will receive encouragement and support on your path as a self-healer. Coaching is about continuing in community and transformation.                                                                                                                            

WHEN: April 15th, 22nd, 29th 12:30pm-2:30pm   (Includes cleansing kitchari lunch)


  • $149 per person / $248 for couples-receive $50 off (a portion is donated to Sattvic Space)
  • Repeat the seasonal cleanse, receive $15 off
  • Early Bird Special: Pay in full by April 1, and receive a free mini-detox kit for the cleanse including: tongue scraper, triphala, & detox tea -           $25 value

LIMITED SEATS:  $50 holds your space.  Please pay by April 8th so you may receive your online access, intake form and instructions to prior to meeting April 15th.  We will start cleanse on April 15th, 2018 but we will begin with intake forms and cleansing plans throughout the month of March leading up to the start date.

Add-ons available:                                                         

Mini-Panchakarma - Chosen from Panchakarma services, these dosha balancing treatments are offered to de-stress and give you a sneak-peak into our 3-21 days Panchakarma services. You will start with a Panchakarma consultation and Abhyanga therapy (Ayurvedic body oil treatment of the head and body), Swedana (Steam Sauna) along with other recommended therapies.

Cleansing supply kits – foods, herbs, teas, etc.. Order by April 1.  Proceeds donated to Sattvic Space.